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3D Architecture Camp

The 3D Arch is a two week interdisciplinary hands-on camp designed to acquaint students with the field of Architecture. The camp allows students to explore potential careers in professions utilizing architecture, visualization, construction science, landscape architecture, and urban planning.

Activities include one individual and one group project involving 3D design, 3D modeling, and hands-on construction using a combination of 3D printed and regular materials. Additional activities include aided architectural drawings, digital photo editing, site planning, drafting, construction estimation, landscaping and interior design.

This camp allows students to carry their models home and wins them an automatic entry to display their work during the Design expo.

    AGES: 13+
    SKILL LEVEL: Beginner–Advanced
    PATH: Construction Tech
    PROGRAM: 3D Architecture
    TOOLS: Maya, Sketch-Up, Photo Shop, Illustrator

Thinnox Summer Camp Programs videoediting graphic fashion jquery ecommerce java python arduino c++ multimedia gamemodelling udk gamegraphics kidscode raspberry beam robotc photography fullstack advertising xbox php iphone wearable musicvideo liveaction modding comic 3danimation tron UXUI 2dstrat csharp webdesign fashiongraphics jewelry interior architecture scratch arcade 2danimation sound manga minecraft racing rpg tactical fps platformer matlab ev3
Thinnox March Camp Programs digitalmedia photography interiordesign3d 3dgamemodelling graphicdesign actionfilm moddingminecraft comicbook 2drpg legorobotics musicdesign minecraft mutlimedia gamegraphics 2danimation fashion
  • Age •This camp is most suitable for ages 13+ wizards either interested in the creation and manipulation of space or contemplating the study of architecture at the university level.
  • Pre Requisite •No prior architecture experience is necessary, art and/or computer experience is helpful
  • Camp Day Plan •Apart from the core program, the camp day plan is well rounded and includes several warm up activities, energizers, team building opportunities and creativity contests to make friends and win cool prizes.
  • Participants •6 to 12 participants per camp.

Dynamic Architecture

Imagination meets engineering in this hands-on course where students build a dynamic structure that moves according to pre-determined principles. Reflecting the three major innovations the structures change shapes, demonstrate ability for industrial production and relies on clean energy following the sun.

    AGES: 11+
    SKILL LEVEL: Beginner–Advanced
    PATH: Construction Tech
    PROGRAM: Dynamic Architecture
    TOOLS: Photo Shop, Illustrator, Sketch-Up, Maya

3D Interior Design

Design the interiors of a basic dwelling. Work with the materials, systems, and structural principles used to create interiors. Analyse living spaces and determine best suited elements of furniture shapes and styles.

    AGES: 13+
    SKILL LEVEL: Beginner–Advanced
    PATH: Construction Tech
    PROGRAM: 3D Interior Design
    TOOLS: Photo Shop, Illustrator, Sketch Up, Maya

3D Printing

Creativity leads to making in this hands-on course where students learn how to design simple 3D models and prepare them for 3D printing. Learn how change the filament, maintain a 3D printer, and operate it safely. Make something from scratch or import a more intricate model to use as a starting point, then watch your creation come to life layer-by-layer and take it home! Students with best 3D creations will be given a 3D printer advanced course free of charge.

    AGES: 11+
    SKILL LEVEL: Beginner–Advanced
    PATH: Construction Tech
    PROGRAM: 3D Printing
    TOOLS: Maya, Photo Shop, 3D Printer